Thursday, May 15, 2008

Paul Illustrates A Dream

When people tell me their dreams, I have to fight the urge to punch them in the pants, because dreams are exciting to nobody. So, in an effort to make the world better, I'm taking something UNinteresting and putting it into an interesting format. And since it's fun, feel free to send me your dreams you want illustrated.


Joel said...

I love it! Plus, any you?

Christopher Bigelow said...

I too hate it when people start telling me their dreams. It makes me want to start flopping around on the floor with my eyes rolling back into my head.

But this treatment was bearable. You have a healthy self-body-image, doncha?

Sherri said...

I'll remember Not to tell you dreams then.


Nice muscles....

Joel's Other Sister said...

Paul, how the dagnab are we supposed to contact you? It would give away the "plot" if I sent my dream to you via these comments! Tell Joel to send me your email address.

Montgomery Q said...

Sherri, you have to send them! I'm just saying, don't expect me to care when you are talking to me and you decide to tell me a dream. But, yes, email me them so I have fun stuff to draw.

Sasha, the email address to send them to is (the name of the ballroom-dancing cigarette(hint: it's the name of this blog))

Joel said...

I just now saw that one of the high scores was razorkeen. Any me?