Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lock on, and enlarge the Z-axis

In a movie I saw that you can take a 50 x 50 pixel image and somehow add details and make it look 1400 x 1400 px by running it through an Enhance algorythm...wait, that wasn't a movie. It was 10,000 movies I've seen.

Do you know what you get when you try to enhance tiny bits of security camera footage? Useable intel, that's what.


Zak said...

Ha! I've always thought it is hilarious when they do that in 24- "Just zoom in and enhance that photo so we can read those tiny words on their parking sticker!"... I worked in a police station with high-tec cameras... they are basically useless unless you zoom in while it is capturing video live.

Mooryan said...

Awesome. So true. Reminds me of this I ran into a while ago.

Joel said...

This is a minor task for modern computers. Look, just push the enhance button. It's that simple. I'm surprised there isn't a key on the keyboard dedicated to this ability.

mandi said...

"You got an image enhancer I can bitmap?"

Was Macgyver very ahead of his time?

susan said...

Way to ruin CSI for me! Next you're going to tell me you boiled a pig in raw sewage and it didn't decompose at 4 times the normal rate.