Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Makin New Friends

I just came into work to get caught up. It's pretty late, but there are still some cars here, and I found a sweet spot close to the door, right next to a Honda Civic. As I stopped the car, I busied myself with disentangling my headphone cords, getting out of my seatbelt, and finding my wallet.

Oh yes, and lifting my leg up as I opened the door to release an enormous splattery "journey's-end" fart.

Did you know that the Pilot's seat is pretty much level with the window of a Honda Civic? And if, for example, a lady you didn't notice was sitting there in the car, waiting for her husband with the windows rolled down, the methane could theoretically be onto her tastebuds within 2 seconds? It's true.


La said...

YUM for that poor poor woman.

Joel said...

I wouldn't be surprised to discover that woman has nominated you for a Nobel prize. I'll vote for you.

Prilla said...

LMAO! That is so classic Paul...or Jeremy...or both.

Boy Mom said...


sugarbritches said...

Holy crap that's hilarious!!! I can't stop laughing. I too work late sometimes and last week I went in to work at about 8:00pm and assumed I was alone. I was at my desk listening to my book on tape, printing emails and amusing myself with a chorus of super loud post Cafe Rio farts. About 15 minutes into my symphony I realize I'm not alone and that one of my co-oworkers is on the other side of my cubie with box seats to my performance. Hell. damage done. Can't' take it back. Can't make the chair or any other office furniture duplicate the noise no matter how hard I try. Just waitin for the pink slip for my abuse of another co-worker.

sugarbritches said...

Holy crap that's hilarious!!! I can't stop laughing. I too work late sometimes and last week I went in to work at about 8:00pm and assumed I was alone. I was at my desk listening to my book on tape, printing emails and amusing myself with a chorus of super loud post Cafe Rio farts. About 15 minutes into my symphony I realize I'm not alone and that one of my co-oworkers is on the other side of my cubie with box seats to my performance. Hell. damage done. Can't' take it back. Can't make the chair or any other office furniture duplicate the noise no matter how hard I try. Just waitin for the pink slip for my abuse of another co-worker.

mandi said...

hahaha.....Lisa! That is so funny. I miss your stories.