At the pet store last night, we saw a cage of kittens. The info card said under Adult Size "Cat size". I enjoyed that.
The employees seem like Joel and I were when we were that age. Except we would have included a Cat Fun Facts section of the card and put a different thing on it every day.
Fun Cat Facts: Orange kittens are known for their green blood.
The fat kitten is self-conscious. Please don't point at him.
The average lifespan of cat is between 25 - 30 minutes.
Cats are not hardworking, contrary to the popular saying "hardworking as a cat."
The kitten on the left has prosthetic whiskers.
The typical housecat can stretch their mouth open about 1.80 m.
Cats enjoy snuggling. These ones enjoy it perhaps more than they should.
14 cats placed in a circle, nose to tip of tail, will stay put.
A single cat will eat its weight in pork rinds given the opportunity.
Rumors that the employees spank these kittens when they cry are unfounded as far as you know.
More people are killed annually by cats than in airplane crashes.
A cat's reproductive organs are in its wallet.
A kitten is born with a 46-foot long small intestine.
The left leg of a cat is more tender than the right one.
A cat left outdoors will molt. These moltings are generally considered as the source for the legends surrounding hobbits.
In Korea, it is widely believed that a cat bestows punctuality upon its owner.
Two of these cats starred in the Broadway musical, "Hairspray." Guess which ones.
If you inhale quickly and deeply each time your cat jumps onto your lap, your cat may save your life by jumping on top of you while you're suffering a heart attack.
The kitten in the middle is controlling the mind of the meter maid that is issuing your car a parking ticket.
Just one cat gives off enough harmful methane gas in a single day to fill around 400 Dr. Pepper bottles.
Cats are part of the squid family and will expel a thick cloud of ink when threatened. They also have 8 limbs.
Baby cats are known as "kittens." This word derives from the Greek word "koertins" which is also the root for the English words "curtains" and "Kurt Cobain"
Cats are vegetarian until they are born.
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