create your own visited country map
or check our Venice travel guide
Umm..this Create Your Map thing is kinda flawed. I've only been to Toronto in Canada, but it highlights the whole country. Plus, I've never been to Alaska or Hawaii.
Oh yeah, and who cares.
I wonder how gay you are. Hmm. What the hell is with all the photoshopped homoerotica? How does Mandi deal with your gayness. Is living in the Utah County hard for closeted homosexual like yourself? When will you be coming out of the closet? Ever? If this sounds insulting, it wasn't intended to be that way. You just seem overly obsessed! There's one for your list of sayings that will get somebody booted: "overly obsessed." Isn't obsession over-doing it by definition. Shit, I need to stop typing. I am So-OoO-ooO bored.
And why did I just walk into that closet?
Below the map there's a link called "create your own travel map" or some such nonsense. Then it says "or check out our Venice travel guide," with another link. Where the hell did THAT come from? Oh, I was looking at Montgomery's map of all the places he has read about some time in a book and I got a hankerin' to go to VENICE. Oh, look.. there's a link to a Venice travel guide. Thank goodness.
Oh, and Alaska doesn't really exist. Its just what the government tells us to make us think we have some kind of oil.. in reserve.. or caribou.. or something. I haven't worked out the specifics of this latest conspiracy theory so bear with me. Anyway, nobody's been there so don't worry about it.
And when did you go to central america? Just curious.
Who's dfb? I'm starting to wonder if you really are gay.
Oh Big Bear. He likes the honey.
DFB is my brother, Dave.
Why is it gay to make pictures of your friends being gay? I'm so hetero I could make out with a man and still not be gay. I make gay people straight again, just by looking sternly at them. That's how un-gay I am.
You could KISS a guy and still not be gay? Come on now.
I'm really gay... BUT, that's by the by. Darling, you need to visit Europe.
Bib, make out with me
Seems like Bib knows the story. You really do need to visit Europe. How can you even dispute?
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