the way I found out was a mass emailing was sent to me with the title URGENT URGENT URGENT so I hurried and answered it and quickly clicked on every picture and link in it so I could get the news as quickly as possible and then I forwarded it on to every person I know.
Thank you to Carrie for spreading the word.
It is important to pass things like this along. There is no time to verify them and ensure their accuracy. Things like this must be emailed to every person you know and perhaps to some people you don't know as well. That way, people will appreciate your efforts. Here are some other things I have learned that people appreciate receiving emails about:
Heartwarming stories about people we've never heard of and certainly can't validate.
Funny jokes. The degree of funniness is of no concern here. If it's extremely funny people appreciate it the same amount as if it were not funny at all. So go ahead and send around every little thing that made you laugh. If you enjoyed reading it there is no possible explanation for someone else not wanting their email box filled with it too.
Videos, power point presentations or executables. Go ahead and send your jokes along in the form of a power point presentation. Who doesn't have power point installed?
Gmail gives me loads of storage space. What better way to fill it than to embed a video in an email to me?
Virus warnings: Rarely fictitious, these warnings have saved hundreds (or more!) of hard drives from literally turning into cottage cheese.
Political shockers: Obama removed the American flag from his airplane! All religious broadcasts are soon to be banished from the airwaves! Did you know that?
Here is a general rule of thumb: If you are not the author of the email and are passing it along to friends, there is little chance of the recipient not enjoying. Perhaps they will enjoy it so much that they will send you some cash in appreciation. It's worth a try!
Was his head really that big?
Rant! by Joel. HA!
I'm gonna have to agree with you, though. Forwards are R and N. (Real Neat, for those of you that don't speak Paul/Joel.)
I think I am going to cut and paste Joel's rant into an email to certain people. I really miss the emails promising that Gap (or some other store) would send you a $20gift card for every person you forwarded the email to.
I'm a little disappointed, you didn't include the most important email forwards of all, "If you really love Jesus send this email to 157 of your closest friends and associates OR ELSE really bad stuff is going to happen to you and your kids and your doggy". Those are the ones my friends and family most appreciate, otherwise it was a really great rant.
It warms my heart when I get forwards that tell me of a boy whose mom doesn't have a ear and he's embarrassed of her then she dies and he finds out HE didn't have an ear and she gave him hers. See? I have a tear running down my cheek now. I love the new improved "footprints in the sand" forwards and my most favorite, a dear furry rabbit holding a heart with a sign pronouncing "Sum Bunny Wuvs U"
Joel u have no say cuz ur, can never get more then a hi, cuz u suck!!
It was a lame forward and if I recieve them from my friends I smile and forward on!! So those of us who are so freeking in dire straits for an enema can freeking chill!!!
By the way how many times did I say freeking???
I appreciate Joel's "rant" as much as the next guy and I don't understand Carrie The Fabulous' post as much as the next guy, but sugarbritches - could you forward me that email about the donated ear? That's awesome. I suspect the same thing happened with me and my mom.
"It was a lame forward and if I recieve them from my friends I smile and forward on!!"
I don't think you're getting that this is the heart of the problem. I'll make this simple: every time you find yourself about to click on the "forward" button, ask yourself "Should I?" and then don't. Then you can know in your heart that you have done many people a valuable service and made the world a better place. Now I'm getting a little choked up...
"Joel u have no say cuz ur, can never get more then a hi, cuz u suck!!"
So according to this logic, when I receive emails I don't want which were made up by someone I don't know and were forwarded to me with no more effort that a couple of clicks, I'm expected to expend creative energy and time to respond with something. And not just something, but something more than "hi."
Number of emails I've gotten from Carrie which originated at Carrie as opposed to some unknown entity on the web: 0
I think the statistics justify my lack of reciprocation.
PS: The lack of excessive punctuation in my comments automatically disqualifies me for the prescribed enema.
"By the way how many times did I say freeking???"
Answer: almost once
More appropriate question:
"How much excessive punctuation did I use?"
Answer: unquantifiable
Thank you Thank Yo ThAnK FrEEking You!!!!!!!!!
For proving my enema point!!!!!
Sasha I got a punctuation for ya!
Joel, you have no say because you are, can never get more than a "hi", because you suck.
Carrie, does Rexburg have a community debate team you could join? You're a natural. Your logic is impregnable.
Um I took state on debate so SUCK ON THAT ;)
Mean people suck.
That hurt my feelings, Sherri. You're mean.
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