Today it's SuperGator vs. MegaFrog. The Creative Brief said this:
We want animal mascot to have a cartoonish appearance with human like facial expressions, not a standard animal photo"
I don't know why this is under things they DON'T want, but oh well. They didn't specify which animal (which should have raised some red flags), but all the designers did a good job and gave them various mascots to choose from. Their initial comps included a dog, wolf, penguin, koala bear, rabbit, cheetah, and these two guys.
He chose my frog, because he liked the pose and expression. Then the Revision Brief said this:
"maybe experiment with different animals with similar likeable expressions...dog, big cat, or dolphin maybe. Maybe, add some clothing to the animal character to make him "hip" or "cool" like possibly sunglasses, maybe a bermuda shirt."
So then we gave them another dog, 2 dolphins, a lion, and a modified frog. After many rounds of revisions, they finalized on this cute little animal mascot.
Oh how this makes me miss Logoworks...
No it doesn't. But I do miss our e-mails and lunches! And all of your chocolate-chip cookie scented flatulation.
They did list cute little animals under things they didn't want. The customer is always right!
Love the frog he's so hip and cool with his little pants and shirt.
What project is this? Email me. Unacceptable, on my team's part.
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