Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What time is it when your bottom feels strange?

My video posting isn't working, so you'll just have to go to the link.

Favorite moment: 1:07 when the mexican jumping bean poo is making its presence known and URGENTLY. And of course, 2:21 is a close second. Does the handle make it easier?


mandi said...

The handle helped out with the grunting process. Was he giving the peace sign or signaling his number 2?


OK NOW THAT I HAVE COMPOSED MYSELF FROM LAUGHING AND NEARLY HAVING TO WET MY PANTS!!! I THINK IT IS SO CLEAR THAT SOMEONE WAS SMOKING THE OLD HERBAL PIPE WHEN MAKING THIS. I am curious to wich is more interesting, the "piss-piss" song, or the boy saying bye-bye to his wee-wee???? hhhmmm

Joel said...

Animated poo.

Sherri said...

The "ugh ugh" mut be from all the rice.